

The final section of the Pokercode course addresses several additional topics that you’ll need to understand as a tournament player, especially ICM and preparations away from the table. In this section, Fedor also addresses the live play and analyses a few example hands to wrap things up. ICM strategy If you’ve been playing tournaments or are just looking to get started, understanding the ICM poker strategy is a must. Fedor Holz actually provides a very good explanation of the Independent Chip Model (ICM). He starts with basics, explaining how the value of chips works in tournaments. Then, he moves on to explain how ICM should influence your decisions both before and after the flop. Finally, he also talks about the faults of ICM as this isn’t the perfect system. The model doesn’t cover everything, so it’s important to use it more as a guideline than the absolute truth. For example, ICM doesn’t cover future play and skill. So, this is something you need to account for on your o...